今天放學回家路上,YK同學就一直說他懶到要命,一直玩,蘑菇頭,懶惰蟲,就是一直重復攻擊 YK。
# Sook Leng 雖然YK 當時沒出聲,可是過後他有問我爲何同學要說他是鬼?要叫他蘑菇頭?
# Winnie Fong why his frend said so? there must be a reason...
# ChiaYen Chong oh no. Poor YK. I think I will think the same 我真的很想叫他閉上嘴巴.
# Candy Chuah I will ask his fren what if I said 懶到要命,一直玩,蘑菇頭,懶惰蟲 to him, will he be happy?
will he like it? if he still continue saying all these bad words....
i might ask him to shut up too. (even though this is not a good example to do)
# Sook Leng Winnie,我也不懂。他只要看到YK就一定會一直 criticize 他。我個人覺得或許他是出於妒忌吧。
妒忌YK 常有爸爸媽媽陪上學放學,妒嫉 YK 常常玩耍而不必去上課補習。
CY and Candy,其實還有一句我很想說就是:我很不想載你回家了。=P
# Candy Chuah 拍拍肩膀,深呼吸,我明白。然後你還會想,我干嘛要在意一個小孩子說的話啊?
# ChiaYen Chong I think if I cant must send the kid back.
I will set a rule.. Rule No 1. No more bad words eg 懶到要命,一直玩,蘑菇頭,懶惰蟲.
Is this the boy who always went to the same music school and got many tuition classed??
# ChiaYen Chong I meant "Car rule"
# Jennifer Diong Why the boy so naugthy?
# Sook Leng Candy, 想象如果有一個小孩一直在說自己的小孩如何差如何苯如何不好,任何做媽媽的都會覺得很生氣的。
CY,好,明天開始我要 set car rule 了。對,就是那個小孩。
# Candy Chuah 不好意思,我想多嘴一下澄清我的意思是我明白你的不舒服感覺,因爲我自己近來心里也有類似的感覺。
set car rules很好!我老公載5個小朋友回家也會set car rules。
# ChiaYen Chong I will add another 'condition' in this car rule too.
If you said 1 bad thing about person (or thing) A, you must think out to say 1 good word about that person or thing too.